Tuesday, August 3, 2010


O.k... this IS a message for girls AND guys. So, guys bear with me at first and keep reading. There is something for you!

Were all in this world and most of us are up- to- date with fashion, appeal, what's the new "in" trend... yes girls, we are talking about clothes.

I don't know about you... but I'm a girl and I love to shop! I am a Christian and yes I CAN still have fun and go to the mall with my sisters and friends. When I shop I keep an eye out for bright colours, neat fabrics, and I try everything on to make sure it looks good on me before I purchase it. Remember I said what LOOKS good.

Only a couple years ago what I thought looked fashionable, attractive and trendy came from everything I gobbled up and believed; what society and my peers told me. I have to confess, I had some intentions of my own, too.

Let's face it.. as girls we all wants to be cherished and adored, and we want to be loved by a man/ boy one day. We get to the age where we are more aware of the opposite sex. We want to feel beautiful, we want boys to take notice of us, and .... and ultimately to be loved (romantically). Whether it's one boys attention you want or many boys.

I bought into that lie... that you have to have the sexy- pout (which actually looks pretty scary... I never really mastered that...lol), the strut (girls you know what I mean), and a look with a hook. That you can reel in a guy... with one flirtacious look with your pretty peepers (eyes). But most importantly..... SEX APPEAL. Right ladies?!!?

Let's not be naive here! Most of us know guys are visual. They do some pretty stupid things around a pretty girl. They practically drool over her! We think we can get a guy ONLY if we appeal to what THEY want. Let's face it... they usually want one thing.

Society plays into that and says if you've got it flaunt it, make him- want YOU, turn his head... ec... ec. In others words, the less you wear: the better! One example of this is on the movie "Clueless" (pretty popular in my day). The main character "Cher" ... sends herself love notes. chocoaltes, and wears a skimpy dress... declaring, "then the guy will see your skin and think of ... sex". Us girls have been told to model these kind of women to hook a guy. Just look at Covergirl to Victoria's Secret.Yea, you'll get a guy this way!! But is it the kind you want to keep? Never mind what guys want... what DO YOU want???

The expression you wear your heart on your sleeve is still true. We wear things that communicate who we are... and what were about. Unfourtunately people don't need to get to know us to make judgements about us. They believe what you see is what you get.

When you or I dress sleazy... people think were easy. BUT it goes deeper than that. They see you don't value/ respect yourself, and your often a target... not of the love your seeking. An object of LUST and HATE. Guys don't want to love and protect a girl like that they just want to have her for a brief time- until.... yea! That's what those girls are selling... society is not preparing us to be good wives and mothers... but to be good "hookers". - As Lisa Brevere says. No respectable guys keeps and marries a hooker... common, Pretty Woman is JUST a movie. Just ask a guy!!

Ok... Ok. Not all guys are after our bodies. I have refreshing news!! I spoke to some Christian young men a few years back.... and I asked him what they were looking for "in the girl of their dreams." They really said, "a girl that I can talk to. That I can be- friend and be myself with". I also heard a song written by a young man that said... "I want a girl who will stand up for what she believes... want a girl that will tell me just what she thinks.... she doesn't care about herself, just everybody else." BOYS are not bad... YES! there are some worth waiting for and would be good- quality family men out there. I've seen some breathing and in action- on fire for God. Sorry, I won't give out any names or numbers though... he he.

If YOU WANT a man who will love you for you (on the inside)... then give them a chance to see past your make- up, puckered lips... and skin!!

MODESTY- IS THE BEST POLICY. In the dictionary modesty means: observing the proprieties of dress and behaviour. SEE dress is linked to behaviour.

- I realized modesty isn't dressing like your grandma, or a old school marm... you can still dress in style, but cover up. Layers are good. If you really look there are alot of options out there (I'm talking about at our local mall). Longer flowy skirts, there are the new long knee- length shorts (praise the Lord)cover- ups for baithing suits ec.

- THE REST IS UP TO YOU. You know what you are doing when you put something on in the morning to wear throughout the day. It wasn't by accident!! If you feel suductive and sexy... it's probably NOT modest. Right?? I don't want to give you a bunch of rules... but instead you seek the Lord on what is pleasing to HIM in how your present your- self. Remember... you are not your own anymore. You were bought with a price... by the blood of Christ. (That demonstrates how much value you have right there, so don't cheapen yourself!) 1 Corinthians 6: 19-20.. " Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have recieved from God. You are not your own; you were bought with a price. Therefore honour God with your body."

"If this is love than you can take it... if this is not- then don't you fake it!

My body is the Lord's temple... don't mess with me.... GOD'S property!" - a song by "Triniti"

**The right guy will stick around even if you say "No!"... If your searching for love- it is only Jesus who can love you like you need to be loved. Don't let those "no body's" get in closer than they need to. When you give in (some of you know what I mean) you'll feel emptier than you were before (you'll still be lonely)... but GOD's love goes on and on and on.

** Little girl with hopes and big dreams. Don't get swayed by those sex fiends. I understand that you want a man- but a REAL man will help you stand. - by RAZE

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